本届双年展分两个展项 | two themes:the 6th shanghai biennial of asia graphic design 2022 will collect the outstanding theme-related posters from designers, teacher, students and amateurs around the world to bring their understandings for the theme. 1 以“见(insight)”为主题设计图形海报insight本展向来自亚洲各个国家和地区的设计师和相关爱好者征集主题为“见”或者相关主题的图形设计作品,以海报形式呈现。the theme meaning of the contest is to encourage people to have introspection, and at the meantime, to observe, think, discover and communicate from different angles and dimensions. it emphasizes the connection between design and people, society, environment and nature.2 自由主题海报free theme poster主题不限定,有一定正面意义,图形形式感强。there is no limit to the themes, but it should be with positive sense and strong graphic form.征集作品及要求 | rules and regulations:1.本次展览征集作品的内容需健康向上,不得侵犯各国文化或道德规范以及必须符合本届双年展作品主题的平面设计作品。the work should not offend against diverse cultures of all asia countries or should not be immoralism. the work should be positive theme-related.2.每件参展作品的电子文档技术参数:作品幅面60x90cm,像素精度150dpi以上,cmyk,文件格式为jpg格式(用于作品打印);同时递交预览文件rgb格式, 文件大小不超过2m(用于线上展示),如果对印刷有特殊要求的,可以自行印刷邮寄给组委会。submit files of works: 60x90cm in size*, more than 150 dpi, jpeg, a color model cmyk for printing. rgb, no more than 2mb for presentation online.* if the participant requires the special size for the work, please print and post it to the organizing committee.3.每位作者最多只能提交三件作品(系列作品算一件)。each applicant is allowed to submit at most three works. (serial work counts for one).4.线上投稿截止日为2022年1月30日,下载报名表格http://www.sagdshanghai.org/同作品一起提交,投稿邮件: [email protected];入选作品将在2022年2月20日后在官方网页和相关媒体公布,并通知作者。the deadline for online submission is 31th. jan 2022. please find the application form at http://www.sagdshanghai.org/s/22-sagd.docx; please send the application form along with the files of work to [email protected];the accepted participants will be contacted after 20th. feb 2022 and the work will be presented on the official web and related media. this biennial will be held on the beginning of march 2022.5.作品评选及展览不收取任何费用no application fee.本届双年展联络处、作品邮寄地址 | contact details:2022第六届上海·亚洲平面设计双年展组委会秘书处the secretariat of the organizing committee for the 6th shanghai biennial of asia graphic design 2022地址 | address:中国上海市徐汇区漕宝路120号,上海应用技术大学艺术与设计学院art and design school of shanghai institute of technologyno.120 caobao road, shanghai china邮编 | zip number:200233电子邮件| email:[email protected]联系人| contactor:杨光 王文霞 石香兰guang yang, wenxia wang, xianglan shitel:0086-13512141611、0086-13816399668、0086-13122332912网站足球分析主页 | website:http://www.sagdshanghai.org/微信公众号 | wechat:sagd2022本届双年展展出时间:即将在足球推荐官网公布,敬请关注。tbd (http://www.sagdshanghai.org)作品足球推荐的版权 | 足球分析 copyright:1.参赛者的参赛作品必须是参赛者本人(或团体)创作的作品,如作品发生知识产权或足球推荐的版权纠纷等,组委会将取消其参展资格,并由参展者承担相应后果。所有因参展者的参展作品引发的足球推荐的版权或知识产权纠纷一概与组委会无关。participants should take full responsibility for any consequence of 足球分析 copyright infringement. once any sort of 足球分析 copyright infringement is found, the qualification of participating will be canceled.2.参赛作品概不退还。本次双年展展出的作品,组委会享有作品的印刷、出版(含电子出版)、推广及收藏的权利。entries are not refundable. participating designers consent to the use of images of their artworks by the organizing committee of the 5th shanghai biennial exhibition of asia graphic design 2019 for promotional purposes.注:本次展览中所有入选作者将获得组委会颁发的参展证书和《2022第五届上海·亚洲平面设计双年展》作品集一本,请慎重留好邮寄地址。all authors nominated will receive an exhibition certificate and a collection of “the 5th shanghai biennial of asia graphic design 2019”. please leave your correct mailing address.2022第六届上海·亚洲平面设计双年展组委会the organizing committee for the 6th shanghai biennial of asia graphic design 20222022.12